2020 - New Beginnings

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2020 - New Beginnings

As the old adage goes, “Just wait, things will change.”

In 2019, we saw changes in may ways and forms, but, perhaps most poignantly, we saw a change in our name. We are now Open Trail Financial Consultants. With a newly coined name, we launch into 2020 with a sense of fresh starts and new beginnings.

While designing our new website, our goal was to provide easy-to-use information at your fingertips. As you browse our site, you’ll see we’ve added several helpful links, videos and resources to help achieve this. We also took this opportunity to rewrite our website so that it is easier to read, understand, and find the information you want and need.

There are no dumb questions when it comes to mastering your financial confidence. We don’t think our clients should ever feel “in the dark” about their finances or how things work, so, we’ve added new Partnerships and FAQs sections which address the most commonly asked questions. We will continue to add to these lists overtime. Please feel free to ask us questions or offer suggestions about topics you’d like to see addressed.

Not one for change? Like the way things were?

That’s okay. Our new name and new offerings will not change our beloved traditional services. They are only “in addition to”. We are the same team, with the same passion to help you.

And, don’t worry, we still love a good tradition too.

Keeping that in mind, we've made our annual “in honor of our clients” donation. This year we donated to Sonoma Land Trust, who's mission it is to "Protect the scenic, natural, agricultural and open landscapes of Sonoma County for the benefit of the community and future generations."

Wishing you and your loved ones happy trails in 2020! We can’t wait to see where the year will take you.

All the best,

Mike, Lauren, Sam, Rich, and Angelina

(“Team Open Trail”)

P.S. Don't forget to update your address book with our new name & emails!


Michael Calvelli - mcalvelli@opentrailfc.com

Lauren Maston - lmaston@opentrailfc.com

Sam Westermann - swestermann@opentrailfc.com

Angelina Calvelli - acalvelli@opentrailfc.com

Rich Bonk- rbonk@opentrailfc.com